MA Early College Community of Practice

Part B Application Templates

Resources on this page are designed to support Part B Early College Designation Applicants.

Documents to be Uploaded with the Part B Application (coming soon)

(NOTE: Not every document to be uploaded has an associated template and/or sample artifact.)

Templates for Part B Application

Early College Designation Applicants are not required to use the following templates. They are provided as a tool. Regardless, please ensure that anything used is aligned with designation requirements as noted in the Part A application and the official Early College designation documents.

sample artifacts from Part B Application

You will find several artifacts and samples from previous applications below. While they are from various programs, all have been anonymized and we caution you to view them as only examples. It is imperative to ensure your plans are aligned with the expectations for Early College Designation by referring to the two primary designation documents linked at the bottom of this page. 

Additionally, what you develop for your program and upload to your application should be unique to your partnership and reflect the mission and values of your planned Early College program. 

Official Designation Resources