MA Early College Community of Practice

in partnership with

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Part B Application

Part B Application (PDF)
Part B Application (Survey)

Part A Application

Part A Application
Student Demographics
Letter of Intent
NSCC Proficiency and Placements
Scope and Sequence

Joint Memo for MA EC Director

Supplemental Questions to Part A

Supplemental Questions Asked:
  1. Can the hybrid method of delivery provide EC students, particularly underserved students, enough postsecondary exposure and experience with a college campus?
  3. Given that a majority of course time is taking place at the HS location, how can the program ensure students are experiencing a holistic postsecondary experience, especially for 12th graders?
  5. Given the length of time between on-campus postsecondary programming, how can the program ensure that students’ progress in their campus experience? Between on-campus postsecondary programming and what?
  7. Describe how EC students can connect with their college instructors in meaningful ways?
  9. How does the high school schedule adapt to the requirements of students needing to be meet on the college campus? Meet with college professor? in-person four times a semester?
  11. What data supports hybrid delivery as an effective tool for Early College programs

Answers to Supplemental Questions

Blended Learning